Dear APCNY Member:
The Fall is here and I hope everyone had a most enjoyable summer. As we approach the winter months I look forward to completing some of the projects that the APCNY board has been enthusiastically working on. At this time I would like to update you on our progress. By now you should have all received a copy of the compensation salary survey. If you have any questions or have not received your copy please feel free to contact Joel Klarreich or Barbara Gibney. Thank you to all of our members who participated in the survey. I know you will find our results to be a very valuable tool. As you know, the APCNY board has been trying extremely hard over the past few years to secure a Group Healthcare Plan for the Association. This is very complicated because so many of us are with so many different carriers. In order for us to have a group plan we would ALL have to agree and commit to one carrier. However affiliate member Bernie Marlowe of Bernard Marlowe Associates, should be contacting you shortly to see if he can assist you with your healthcare needs. Bernie Marlowe has been affiliated with APCNY for nine years now and he has been very successful in helping many of our members secure low cost health insurance, in addition to their other insurance needs. Make an appointment to meet with him. I am sure he will be able to help in lowering your cost. Our membership campaign has brought in new members and we hope to see our membership grow in the up coming months. If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining APCNY please contact Barbara Gibney. The APCNY Website is moving along quite nicely and I feel this new site will be a site that we can all be proud of. We apologized for the delay in getting this off the ground it has been a learning experience for all of us. The APCNY board is committed to see this finalized and updated. The New York Times Advertising campaign is still being visited. We have had an overwhelming response and Barbara Gibney should be contacting you shortly with the final figures of what it is going to cost you to participate in this ad. We are also looking into other advertising options. The New York Times is also working on a new project called New York Times Internet 2001, we will notify you when we have more details. Our October 17th program featuring Peter Weddle was a huge success, we had over 120 people in attendance. Peter Weddle’s presentation was very informative and everyone was calling Barbara Gibney to let her know that they loved him and that they were able to go back to their offices and use his valuable information and tips. Due to the over whelming response we will be bringing Peter back in 2001.
Our November 2nd Human Resources Panel went over extremely well. We had nearly 100 people in attendance. The panel participants included, Joan Vreeland of Mettalurg Inc., Geraldine Panza of Holborn Corporation, Mary Casey of Quick & Reilly, Cecelia Doyle of Salomon Smith Barney. Special thanks goes to Skip Vaccarino of Cross Staffing/ A Division of Snelling for coordinating, moderating and participating on the panel. You did a great job Skip! Special thanks to Marge McGowan of Women in Business Network for assisting in getting panel participants. Special thanks also goes to all of our members who have been attending the meetings, it has been a pleasure to see everyone. If you want to learn you need to attend. This years programs have been well received and attended, there is a lot of new energy out there and your colleagues are eager to learn, share and network with each other, I guess we can finally say that APCNY is no longer viewed as a “click” it is the proud professional organization that it was always meant to be and the way you our member want it to be. We have learned that the Internet will be a
very important tool for this industry and we will focus more on educational programs in this area. As we bring this Association into the future we need input from you our member on what type of programs and caliber of speakers that you would like to have in 2001. Maybe some of you have interesting topics or training techniques that you would like to share with your fellow colleagues. The Board will be forming a program committee to plan out 2001, please feel free to contact me or Barbara Gibney with your ideas. This committee is open to all, if you would like to participate please contact Barbara Gibney. We only meet once to plan the year!
Last but not least the APCNY Board has openings for new Board members. The Board meets six (6) times per year for about two and a half hours.
We need new blood, please consider getting involved!
156 Tysen Street
Staten Island, New York 10301
Phone: (718) 727-9800 Fax: (718) 720-3140
E-Mail: [email protected]